Sunday, December 15, 2013

Nutella Brownies

Brownies yang dimakan secara haram itu telah selamat berenang bersama-sama isi kandungan air yang terdapat di dalam badan dan telah bersatu bersama dinding perut yang berkulit tebal.
Pelahan-lahan June mengorak langkah ke arah perhentian bas yang dipenuhi dengan daun-daun kering yang gugur dari pohon lebat yang seakan-akan memayungi bumbung perhentian bas yang berwarna biru itu.

Tiba-tiba jantung June berkocak hebat seperti ada makhluk yang mengekorinya dari arah belakang. Nak toleh, tak berani maka June melajukan langkah kakinya serta terus menekan punat kekunci telefon bimbit canggihnya dan bermain temple run untuk menenangkan hati.

Perhentian bas yang tadinya dilihat seakan-akan sekangkang kera dan seluas tapak kaki anak gajah yang baru lahir, kini kelihatan seperti jauh berkentut-kentut.

June berlari hingga hampir-hampir dilanggar motosikal. Sepantas kilat juga June memberanikan diri menoleh kebelakang dan mendapati 'makhluk' yang mengekori nya tadi seakan teragak-agak untuk mengejar June.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

One Sided Love

They say time would heal everything and puppy love isn't real.
She loves him more than herself for almost 8 years since the day that he kissed her out of sanity.
She always be the first person he ever needed to ease him whenever he about to get mad and before he can even get the chance to do unworthy things.
She always supports him and have his back whenever he about to fall and sometimes, they even fell together on purpose.

No matter how many times he talks about someone new,
She will still put on a big fake smile on her face.
Until the day he kisses her again on the forehead, telling that he's getting married with her sister,
She finally realized that her one sided love is all worthless.

And she pushed him off the cliff instead.

And now you're gone but your body is mine.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

An Odd Night

Last night we've decided to get wasted.
We've thrown our shits to drain and multiplied our doses into the vein.
We've found a spoil brat kid and mocked his perfect life from behind.
And when a big cloud spilled the heavy rain,
We danced happily while holding each other hands.

Until a big red truck came out of nowhere and slipped from the wet road.
You were hit and I just stood in odd.